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Maya mit Ball

Now I want to tell you something about my life.
Almost eight years ago my fridge-opener Karin and her family picked me from a breeder near Eisenach. I was just eight weeks old and had a green ear. That was from tattooing.
I closed down my new pack quickly into the heart. Also they love me very much. It took some time until I had brought up the fridge-opener properly. Finally, a westie has special needs. But now I have it under control. Although the fridge-opener sometimes have such funny moods and want to avoid my education.
About four months after I moved to my pack.The fridge-opener picked up my friend Carlotta. Fortunately, Carlotta and Stefanie have their own flat.That's good, because I can throw out the two, if I want my peace. Since one and a half year Ellie is one of my pack. Of course I take charge of the little one and she puts on quite well. To my great relief, Ellie also has her own flat. Because I need sometimes a time-out of the little whirlwind.
You know what I do not like to suffer? - Go for a walk on a leash. If I have on a leash, I get really stubborn. Near our flat, it's a really big forest. There or in the surrounding woods I go usually walkies.

Mayas Unterschrift